Hussein Amin
2018-04-12 16:17:22 UTC
This significant event should have already been published on this forum. If
not, thanks to all who organized it and those who contributed to this noble
cause last Friday. I believe that some of the participants could be members
here on this online forum. My brother and nephew attended. (Click on the
link after the story below to see the pictures of the event at Hotel
Africana, Kampala). Keep up the good spirit towards developing communities.

Over 300M Raised At West Nile Education Trust Fund Dinner To Educate
Underprivileged Children

By Roy Ruva

Posted on April 10, 2018

The fundraising dinner took place on Friday 6 th April 2018 at Hotel
Africana where over 300million was raised at the high-profile event that
attracted hundreds and was organised by West Nile Foundation. It also
doubled as the launch of the West Nile Education Trust Fund.
The education trust fund which is aimed at mainly revamping the education
standards in West Nile as well as fighting poverty in the region was
founded by a group of passionate sons and daughters of the soil who have
dedicated their financial resources and time to run the foundation.
From the initial funds raised that amounted to 50million mainly from the
West Nile night, the foundation was able to kick-start the project of
sponsoring four bright but underprivileged students at various universities
across the country to pursue science courses.
According to organisers, 40 million shillings was raised from corporate
companies and individuals that paid for tables, while over 260 million was
collected in cash and pledges that day.
Guests at the fundraising dinner in Hotel Africana on Friday
The West Nile Night which is a social event where people from the region
meet to dance mostly to local music, but also discuss different issues
affecting the region has been the main source of finance over the years. It
was also officially resumed on Saturday at The Cloud Lounge in Capital
Shoppers Ntinda after a short break.
While giving his opening remarks at the colourful dinner, the President of
the West Nile Foundation Counsel Caleb Alaka said the region has faced
several challenges ranging from wars and poverty that has left it lagging
behind since colonial times forcing many to opt for petty businesses and
difficult casual labourer jobs as security guards and sugarcane cutters.
“Several of our students study up to secondary school and then get stuck. I
call upon all well-wishers, west Nilers and friends of West Nilers to
support this initiative to join in the struggle to promote education in the
region which is the only key to success”. He said
Counsel Caleb Alaka The President of the West Nile Foundation giving his
The education trust fund targets to raise 5 billion shillings to sponsor a
targeted 300 students in five years time to study science subjects at top
Universities in Uganda with focus mainly on agriculture and science courses
for the underprivileged, but bright students selected by a trusted
The programme is expected to increase the number of students sponsored to
12 by next year with focuss on all West Nile districts ranging from Koboko,
Maracha, Arua, Yumbe, Adjumani, Zombo, Nebbi and Pakwach who will benefit
from the scholarship.
The first batch of beneficiaries accompanied by theri respective members of
parliament being introduced to guests
Mr Dennis Aliga Asega an economist and Investment banking expert and the
global ambassador who served as the key-note speaker at the fundraising
dinner led by example by contributing 50Million while DMA Nigeria the
company where he works added 10Million. He also officially accepted his
appointment as global ambassador and promised to do his best in mobilising
funds across the globe for the cause.
Mr. Dennis Aliga Asega (R) giving his acceptance speech after being
appointed global ambassador of the trust fund.
Other notable contributors included Taban Amin, the eldest son of former
president Idi Amin Dada who pledged 15 million shillings. 30 million
shillings from Munganira Company, 10 million from West Nile Web and area
members of parliament who contributed ranging from 500,000/- to 5million
among as well as business personalities .
Comedian Patrick ‘Salvado’ Idringi who was the host of the event cracked
guests with jokes before pledging 3million from proceeds of his upcoming
Man from Ombokolo show later this year.
Comedian Salvado co-hosted alongisde Mercy Munduru.
The International University of East Africa IUEA which also announced a
partnership with West Nile Education TrustFund to improve quality of
education and life in general in the region offered five scholarships in
different courses.
The former Madi and West Nile Diocese Bishop, Dr Joel Obetia who was guest
of honour attributed the slow development programmes in the region to
poverty at household level. He blamed the increasing levels of poverty and
the poor education performances on parents who usually opt to marry off
their children at a very tender age for dowry.
“I am disappointed in my people because instead of focusing on educating
their children especially the girls, they are looking at getting riches out
of them in form of animals. This practice must stop if we are to move
forward” He said
Disappointed: Dr. Joel Obetia expressing his feelings about the people of
West Nile over marrying off daughters at a tender age
Honourable Bernard Atiku the Ayivu County MP who is also the chairperson of
the West Nile parliamentary forum and one of the main organisers of the
event, said that Friday’s massive collection and turn up shows that all
things are possible which only encourages the team to even commit further.
Generous contributors to the education trust fund were recognised and
rewarded with certificates of appreciation and of course, a sumptuous
dinner served to the smartly dressed guests who came from different parts
of the country to crown it all.

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