Hussein Amin
2018-01-31 05:56:27 UTC

Asalaam Aleikum brothers and sisters. I am told that a new book pictured
here is out.
Title: Field Marshal Idi Amin Raised Islam & Muslims in Uganda'.
The book is written by brother Siraj Hassan Magambo whom I would like to
thank in advance for his effort. He reportedly narrates all the development
and economic emancipation that my late father Al-Hajji President Idi Amin
did for his country, and for Islam. As we all know, for decades other
politicians and the western media have deliberately tried to hide the truth
of his achievements, and have instead spread too many lies one after the
other about him. A systematic demonization of all leaders who stood for
their indeginous African peoples independence and against neo-colonialist
exploitation, imperialist interference and foreign domination.
Unfortunately I do not know where the book can be found. If you do know,
kindly inform me via a direct message here on this social media platform or
comment below.

Thank you.

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